Homemade Stories- with love, care and respect
The 'Homemade Stories- with love, care and respect' are the reflection of the life-changing stories of 9,814 couples (husbands and wives) who have participated in the MenCare training conducted by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance-funded 'Nobo Jatra – New Beginning' project, World Vision Bangladesh. Through the male engagement for gender equality approach, it has been possible to show the world that coming out of the gender-stereotypic perspective isn't easy, but when we can, it enables us to build an equal world for all.
This book represents the stories of change where men play the most crucial role in promoting alternative and positive masculinities, shared decision-making, equitable division of labour in caregiving or unpaid tasks, healthy and gender-equitable relationships, nonviolence, and elimination of harmful practices such as child marriage. Today, the MenCare approach has been scaled and implemented throughout all of World Vision Bangladesh’s programmes/projects, reaching over 27,711 families. WVB is working towards a better future, where girls and boys, women and men have equal access to resources in their households, input in decision-making for their families, equal participation, inclusive systems that help to prevent GBV, and equal well-being.