Lesotho: Strengthening Government Efforts | It takes partnerships Case Study
Globally, violence affects half of the world’s children and costs the global community up to US$7 trillion a year, or roughly 8% of global GDP. Recognising the urgency of the issue, World Vision launched It takes a world to end violence against children, a global campaign to raise awareness, improve accountability for commitments and inspire action related to ending violence against children. Given the complex, multi-sectoral nature of the issue, partnerships were identified early on as a key driver for the campaign.
World Vision wanted to learn more and delve deeper into how partnerships enhanced national-level campaigns and achieved desired outcomes for It takes a world. So, we conducted semi-structured interviews from July to August of 2018 with focal points from World Vision Armenia, Eswatini and Lesotho and some of their campaign partners. This is what we found in Lesotho.