Stories of Impact: Bandaptai Economic Empowerment Project
The Bandaptai Economic Empowerment Project (BEEP) was implemented by World Vision in Bomet County, Kenya. The targeted areas included: Chebunyo, Kaboson and Lelaitich. The project sought to enable vulnerable households in the region to sustainably provide for their children through various economic activities. Some of the key achievements of the project include the following:
- Enabling children to live in families that enjoy increased income security.
- Transforming smallholder farmers from dependence to an empowered world view, where they are now able to support themselves independently.
- Adoption of climate smart agricultural technologies rose from 13.6% to 77.1 %.
- Increased market access and linkages for the prioritised value chains of dairy, indigenous poultry and orange-fleshed sweet potatoes.
- Enhanced contribution of livestock and crops as the main source of livelihoods increased by 84.3%.
- Increased participation by community members on local governance issues.