COVID-19 aftershocks and their impact on girls' education in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe COVID-19 Aftershocks - Teenage Pregnancies_1.png
Monday, August 31, 2020

Since schools closed in late March, the number of reported cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) against girls has more than doubled.  Only a third of survivors are receiving appropriate health and psychosocial services. Far fewer ever see justice.  For most, it is the end of their education.

The aftershocks of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe are threatening gains made in Girls’ Education. World Vision calls on partners in Zimbabwe to: 

  • Urgently ensure continued learning for marginalised learners while schools are closed
  • Communicate clear plans to renew the hope of girls and communities in education
  • Monitor and enforce the Education Amendment Act as schools re-open
  • Provide re-entry support to pregnant girls and young mothers to return to school
  • Provide non-formal pathways for girls who do drop-out to achieve skills and qualifications 
  • Meet all the recommendations in the World Vision Global Aftershocks Report: Access Denied