COVID-19 aftershocks and their impact on girls' education in Zimbabwe
Since schools closed in late March, the number of reported cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) against girls has more than doubled. Only a third of survivors are receiving appropriate health and psychosocial services. Far fewer ever see justice. For most, it is the end of their education.
The aftershocks of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe are threatening gains made in Girls’ Education. World Vision calls on partners in Zimbabwe to:
- Urgently ensure continued learning for marginalised learners while schools are closed
- Communicate clear plans to renew the hope of girls and communities in education
- Monitor and enforce the Education Amendment Act as schools re-open
- Provide re-entry support to pregnant girls and young mothers to return to school
- Provide non-formal pathways for girls who do drop-out to achieve skills and qualifications
- Meet all the recommendations in the World Vision Global Aftershocks Report: Access Denied