All Publications

Empowered and Connected

Children's Participation in Climate Action
2022 Global Report on Child Participation in World Vision Decision-Making Processes

Empowered Children as Agents of Change: World Vision's Virtual Exhibition at HLPF 2022

Learning from Child Activism: Stopping Child Marriages in Bangladesh & Ghana

‘Talk less and act more, the world needs help’: Children front and centre of climate action

Las voces de los niños y niñas en tiempos de COVID-19

Child-friendly version: Children's Rights in the time of COVID-19 report

Storytelling for Social Change handbook

Mobilising against COVID-19 toolkit

Research briefing on children’s perspectives in the time of COVID-19

Children’s voices in the time of COVID-19: Continued child activism in the face of personal challenges

Children’s participation in ending child marriage

Child-led research: From participating in research to leading it

Leading the Way

Ideas For Action For Children and Young People: June Global Moment

It Takes Children

Child-led mobilisation: A guide for children and young advocates

Influencing Workbook for Young Advocates

Children and Young People’s Participation: An Essential Approach for Ending Violence against Children

ALL VIEWS MATTER: Syrian refugee children in Lebanon and Jordan using child-led research in conflict-prone and complex environments

Becoming Researchers: A simple guide for children and young people who want to carry out social research