Preventing Harm through Adolescent's Engagement - An Experience in Nepal
DownloadNepalese children experience different forms of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. A Rapid Need Assessment, recently conducted by World Vision Nepal & UNICEF in May 2021 shows that 24.7% of children have shown a negative change in personality or behavior during the recent COVID-19 lockdown situation. Additionally, violence against children , child labor, and gender-based violence, were the top three violence and abuse incidents indicated.
This presentation highlights an adolescent intervention conducted by the Nepalese Government in partnership with World Vision Nepal. The Rupantaran (Transformation) curriculum - designed by the Government of Nepal - includes life, educational & financial skills. World Vision Nepal included the Protective skills component (physical, social & psychological) along with the safe use of digital space and their engagement sessions within the curriculum.
Dilip Raj Giri, Child Protection Portfolio Advisor, World Vision Nepal
This is a PowerPoint presentation for the 2021 Child Protection in Humanitarian Alliance Annual Meeting.