Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: Linking humanitarian cash and social protection in practice
This paper seeks to demonstrate practical ways in which NGOs are linking their humanitarian work to social protection and the added importance of this in the context of COVID-19, following from the earlier work of CCD outlining the role of NGOs to improve the access to and delivery of social protection in crises and the COVID-19 advocacy paper. This is written for signatories of the Grand Bargain, particularly those engaged in the cash sub-working group on social protection and humanitarian cash.
This paper highlights that there is much more to be done but that NGOs have a crucial role to play and what follows are some of the ways in which CCD can engage. In April 2016, the Grand Bargain recommended that the cash and voucher assistance (CVA) responses of humanitarian organisations consciously align with, build on, complement, and fill gaps in national social protection programmes and systems, where appropriate, taking into account humanitarian principles.