WEE PQAS and Framework Implementation Note

WEE PQAS and Framework Implementation Note
Friday, March 11, 2022

World Vision adopts a holistic approach to Women's Economic Empowerment, which comprises four domains of empowerment. The organization promotes women's economic advancementaccess to opportunities, services, and resources, and agency, including decision-making ability in households and markets, manageable paid and unpaid workloads, and well-being. Finally, World Vision promotes equitable systems where women can benefit from equitable policies, laws, institutional practices, and social norms.

World Vision’s WEE Framework and Program Quality Assurance Standards (PQAS) aims to build a common understanding of the pathways of change required for women to be economically empowered alongside men – to the benefit of their children.

This implementation note provides a short overview of the WEE framework and PQAS for field staff. There is a summary of each of the 10 standards during proposal development, design and assessment, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, including key tools and case studies.