Посібник із повідомленнями про вакцинацію від COVID-19 для відвідувачів житлових будинків і медико-санітарних працівників громад
Also available in English: World Vision's Home Visitors and Community Health Workers COVID-19 Vaccination Messaging Guide and French: Guide de messages sur la vaccination contre le COVID-19 pour les Visiteurs à domicile et les Agents de santé communautaire
The fight against COVID-19 and new variants is not over. Vaccines have demonstrated an incredible effectiveness at preventing serious COVID-19 disease. The best way now to protect and build on the progress made so far is to help as many people as possible around the world receive their primary vaccination while ensuring an ability to act quickly in response to any future developments of the pandemic. This will be critical not only to protect the children and families we serve, but also to protect the entire world against continuing waves of virus variants. Building skills in the promotion of vaccines can also help us to prepare for the next pandemic.
World Vision has a new tool to help home visitors, community health workers, and other partners to understand how to counsel families to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake, and the questions and answers (messages) to use to be most effective. This new Home Visitors and Community Health Workers COVID-19 Vaccination Messaging Guide is divided into two sections, with the first section explaining important findings from behavioral science (including our Barrier Analysis studies) to keep in mind when one counsels people on vaccines, and a second section focused on questions and answers to use when promoting COVID-19 vaccines. (Some of the same behavioural science findings are useful, of course, when promoting other childhood vaccines and services and other behaviours.)
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