2021 Digital Health Factsheet: B-MNCH - Uganda
The Buikwe Maternal Newborn and Child Health (B-MNCH) project, which concluded in September 2021, aimed to improve the quality and utilisation of maternal, newborn and child health services in the Buikwe district of central Uganda. As part of the project’s digital health component, the B-MNCH team trained community health workers (CHWs) to use smartphones equipped with a tailored CommCare app for their home visits.
This digital tool supported CHWs as they counselled pregnant and lactating mothers, guided them to encourage their clients to begin appropriate home-based preventive care and utilise health care services when indicated, and enabled them to capture basic health status information about the women and children they served. This information was automatically shared with Uganda’s DHIS2, which enabled robust data utilisation by multiple stakeholders.
From October 2020 through September 2021, this project’s 465 digital tool users reached 57,858 beneficiaries, of which 81% were children ages 0 to 18 and 19% were adult females. Additional results, including key outcomes from the project’s final evaluation, are described in the factsheet.
The B-MNCH project is supported by World Vision Hong Kong.