Tayar Nepal: Household Disaster Preparedness Project (HDPP)
World Vision is implementing Household Disaster Preparedness Project (HDPP) of USAID’s Tayar Nepal under Technical Assistance Grants (TAG). The project aims to enhance the capacity of individual households and communities for better disaster preparedness and response. Implemented through a local partner, the project will benefit 550 households directly and 1,647 HHs indirectly in Kailali district.
Following are the key activities of the project:
- Support on the formation of 9 Community Disaster Management Committee (CDMC) onward 9 of Lamkichuwa municipality, Kailali.
- Support on the formation of Task Forces (TF) (i.e. First Aid TF, Search and Rescue TF & Early warning TF) on each formed CDMCs.
- Enhance the CDMC and task force members with capacity building training (i.e. FA training, SAR training and EW training).
- Design mobile-based Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment (PDRA) tools to identify household vulnerability to disasters and carryout household vulnerability assessment on at least 1,647 households.
- Support 550 most vulnerable households in formulating the household disaster preparedness and response plan (HDPRP).
- Conduct consultation meetings for mainstreaming prepared HDPRPs at palika and ward level.
- Carry out 9 HDPRP simulations exercise at the community level.