Citizen Voice and Action Impact Stories
We believe in the power of the citizen voice - citizen’s awareness of their rights, citizens ability to demand for improved public services, transparency, and inclusive governance. We empower communities across the world to call for what is right, what is fair and what is just – holding duty bearers at all levels accountable. Through the citizen empowerment, communities participate in influencing policy decisions and ensure that resources are allocated more effectively by creating platforms where they express their concerns, needs and aspirations. We believe citizens should be listened to, valued and involved in decisions that affect them. When they are listened to, they are more likely to contribute constructively, leading to a more resilient and responsive public service system. We believe that citizen empowerment is the ideal methodology for promoting trust in government and sustainable development. At the local, national, regional and international levels we work to change unjust policies, practices, and structures affecting the most vulnerable children.