Nutrition Dialogues: Global Synthesis Full version
The Nutrition Dialogues is a global initiative launched in August 2024 by World Vision International and the 4SD Foundation, and supported by a variety of partners. By December 31, 2024, more than 10,000 people, many at risk of malnutrition and food insecurity, in 54 countries had participated in 346 dialogues - some for adults (Children’s Workshops for 12-18-year-olds) and Stakeholder Dialogues (for adults). 80% of dialogues took place locally, within communities or at the district level.
Participants, 57% of whom were women and girls, shared insights about the nutrition challenges they face and actions they propose for improving nutritious food security and reducing malnutrition. This feedback, from dialogues reported by the end of 2024, was uploaded to the web portal, analysed and published as a Global Synthesis and also a shorter summary document.