Policy Brief: Climate change contributes to unsafe migration - Addressing the impacts for vulnerable children and youth in Viet Nam

Policy Brief: Viet Nam climate change contributes to unsafe migration: addressing the impacts for vulnerable children and youth
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The research on Climate Change, Vulnerability and Migration, conducted by World Vision East Asia and the Stockholm Environment Institute, finds the mounting pressures of climate change on livelihoods are contributing to migration under distress. It also finds that vulnerable low-income families who are the most reliant on natural resources, facing multiple forms of disadvantage and have the weakest safety-buffer, are by far the most exposed. Accounts from families dependent on subsistence agriculture revealed that they are resorting to migration as a last option to service debts and make ends meet. The element of distress is significant because it amplifies the risks and exacerbates the negative impacts migration can have. Families migrating in distress are more likely to do so without legal protections and move in stages that leave them physically distanced from each other and their social safety networks and placing children and youth into precarious positions with heightened risks of abuse and exploitation.

This policy brief provides a call to action for development partners of Viet Nam and Thailand as the primary destination of choice for Vietnamese migrants, to address key drivers of distress migration in communities of origin and to make migration safer, more humane and more just for Vietnamese parents and children alike, providing more support for those who stay behind and those who go, empowering children to help shape a better future for themselves.