East Africa Region - December 2019 Situation Report
- Floods: According to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET), the greater horn of Africa region received up to 300 per cent above average rainfall from October to mid-November 2019. In Kenya, flooding affected 160,000 people in 31 of the country’s 47 counties. In Somalia, heavy rains affected 547,000 people including an estimated 370,000 who were displaced. In South Sudan, 908,000 people were affected since June. In Ethiopia, 570,000 people were affected including 200,000 people who have been displaced. In Burundi, 3,100 people were affected by heavy rains in Munyinga province while in Uganda floods and landslides impacted at least 12 districts. (OCHA Regional Flood Snapshot, November 2019)
- Displacement: According to UNOCHA, The Greater Horn of Africa is experiencing first-hand complex interplay between the global climate crisis, conflict, and violence. The region has more than 8.1 million internally displaced people and hosts more than 4.2 million refugees.
- Desert locust infestation: The Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa (DLCO-EA) noted that given the current desert locust situation in the Eastern Africa region, urgent and decisive action is required from all partners. They also indicated that resources must be availed to support large-scale ground surveys, aerial spraying services, and provision of chemicals, information dissemination, and further capacity building for control operations.
- World Vision response: World Vision is responding to the needs of families in crises in South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania. Large-scale, long-term lifesaving assistance is needed to respond to the needs of populations affected by conflict, threatened by diseases and natural disasters like drought and floods.