Kenya - December 2019 Situation Report
- The humanitarian situation is still unstable due to floods experienced in most parts of the Country, locust invasion, cholera outbreak in Wajir county and related incidences reported in northern parts of the country covering Wajir, Mandera, Garissa, Lamu, and Tana River Counties.
- In Wajir, locust invasion has caused significant damage to grazing land sweeping away pasture and shrubs for livestock feeds; there has been heightened fears of destruction of farms crops. Projects sites such as Sabuli, Abakore, Dilmanyale and Dulgub are some of the villages that are currently affected. The government is responding by aerial chemical spraying to all affected areas. So far, the following villages in Wajir south were covered; Dulgib, Karu, Uur (Injir), Allaus and Lagdima. The County government of Wajir have an active locust surveillance team that coordinates and monitors the response.
- Cholera outbreak: In Wajir County, 12 patients were quarantined at the Cholera Treatment Center with 2 admissions during this reporting period. Essential medical supplies and equipment have been dispatched to the area while at the same time increasing the number of health caregivers.
- Food security: In December, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes persisted due to ongoing recovery from the 2018/19 drought and the negative impact of recent floods and landslides on household food and income sources. From October to December, Kenya experienced one of the wettest short rains seasons on record, with rainfall totals ranging up to 400 percent on average. A second round of floods and landslides in November displaced 17,000 people, and affected approximately 330,000 people, primarily in West Pokot. Disruptions to critical transport infrastructure and ongoing delays in the unimodal harvest have reduced the availability of food in markets, sustaining high food prices. In localized areas, crop and livestock losses have been reported.