ACT NOW: Experiences and recommendations of girls and boys in the Asia Pacific region during COVID-19
COVID-19 is currently wreaking havoc on countries around the world. The devastating health consequences of the virus are only the tip of the iceberg. The pandemic’s indirect impacts, such as loss of livelihoods, school closures and restrictions on travel and socialising have far-reaching effects on children and young people’s health, safety, education and well-being. During this period, many children and young people are spending more time at home, with family, and online. In this context, children and young people are at risk of witnessing and/or experiencing violence at home and in their communities, taking part in paid work to help supplement family incomes, early marriage, and encountering online risks. This consultation explores children and young people’s views and experiences related to COVID-19 and its secondary impacts. Firstly, it looks at children and young people’s perceptions of whether they are facing an increased risk of violence during this period and how they perceive this at home, in their communities and online. Secondly, this consultation investigates the ways in which children and young people are working to help stop the spread of the virus and diminish its secondary impacts.
This consultation was conducted from May to June 2020 using a qualitative interview approach. Listening to children and young people is at the heart of World Vision’s child-centred approach and commitment to amplify the voices of children and young people on the world stage. This consultation included 110 children and young people (71 girls and 39 boys) between the ages of 11 and 19 from 10 countries in the Asia Pacific region, including India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Thailand. The interviews took place in-person with physical distancing, over the phone, and through online platforms and followed the minimum standards for consulting with children and young people developed by the Inter-agency Working Group on Children’s Participation.