World Vision Somalia COVID-19 Situation Report - July 2020
Major highlights of World Vision's Somalia COVID-19 Emergency Response, as of 31st July 2020:
- Somalia continues to be faced with triple humanitarian threats; Desert Locusts, Floods and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Among the 5.2 million people in need in Somalia in 2020, 3.2 million (63%) are children between the age of 0 and 14. The food insecurity situation has already deteriorated due to the ongoing locust infestation
- Movement restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have heightened protection risks, particularly for women and children in communities. In response, World Vision Somalia set-up feedback mechanisms and toll-free telephone numbers to ensure protection issues are addressed.
- Infection prevention and control is a critical need in IDP settlements where access to water is still a challenge. In response, World Vision Somalia has increased access to water through water trucking.
- To control the spread of COVID-19 and provide the beneficiaries with autonomy over their spending choices, cash transfer is more effective than food vouchers. This has been adopted by the WFP relief project and there are plans to scale it up in the future.