Uganda - August 2019 Situation Report
- Newly arriving South Sudanese and Congolese refugees: Despite the reduction in funding, Uganda is projected to receive an additional 155,000 new arrivals, mainly from South Sudan and DRC, by the end of 2019 bringing the population to over 1.4 million persons of concern. In the month of August alone, 1151 people of concern were received from South Sudan, the majority of these are women and children. While 8,801 Congolese refugees were received from DRC in the South West (Kyaka II and Kyangwali).
- Disabled but not unable: World Vision with funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland is supporting 250 households with disabilities to establish gardens to meet their nutrition needs as well as earn some income. The project further seeks to address barriers affecting persons with various impairments in accessing Water and Sanitation facilities.
- Empowered to build peace: Wold Vision is empowering children as peace ambassadors and advocates for improvement in service delivery. On August, 15, peace clubs with 30 members each were represented in a children’s parliament that brought together government officials, stakeholders, organisations and UN agencies to listen to issues affecting children. The proceedings of the program were recorded and are being aired weekly on local radio stations to increase reach.
- Environmental protection: World Vision used Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) approach to promote environmental restoration and protection of natural tree species in Bidibidi, Omugo and Imvepi Settlements. World Vision trained 83 extension staff from 8 District Local Governments and partners on the FMNR approach.