Transforming partnerships in Ukraine and Moldova: Learnings from World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response
Key findings: Transforming partnerships in Ukraine and Moldova
This assessment involved interviews with 40 World Vision Ukraine Crisis Response (WV UCR) staff and 15 partner organizations (10 in Ukraine and 5 in Moldova) to evaluate how WVUCR’s approach helps local partners assume stronger leadership roles in humanitarian efforts.
What Works Well:
- World Vision has implemented a strategic approach to partnerships, leading to capacity growth among local partners.
- Adequate funding is allocated for humanitarian activities, and local partners are actively involved in coordination forums.
- Local partners are engaged in advocacy and are credited in communication materials and reports.
- Affected communities are consulted on the assistance they receive.
Challenges and Gaps:
- There's a need to transition from sub-granting to more equitable partnerships.
- Support for organizational strengthening and overhead sharing is insufficient.
- Capacity-building efforts require a more tailored approach.
- WVUCR's support for accessing coordination systems and government liaison is limited.
- Lack of World Vision’s involvement of local partners in its advocacy work.
- Some projects are designed prior to the understanding communities needs better.
Key Recommendations:
- Reevaluate and tailor capacity assessment and development plans.
- Provide more tailored capacity-building support and share overhead costs with local partners.
- Secure funding for partners' operating costs.
- Strengthen relationships with government entities.
- Involve local partners more actively in advocacy activities.