Resilient, Inclusive, Sustainable Economic development for Sri Lanka (RISE Lanka!) Project
Resilient, Inclusive, Sustainable Economic Development for Sri Lanka supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP), implemented by World Vision Lanka together with the local implementing partner Sarvodaya, aimed to address the food security and nutrition needs of Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable population in Uva and North Central provinces while strengthening the agricultural and dairy farming systems, as well as addressing barriers for women and people with disability to engage in community decision making and income generation.
The project implements evidence-based models to foster community development such as PDH+ (Positive Deviance Hearth +) to train mothers in preparing balanced meals using local resources. GIFT (Gender Inclusive Financial Literacy Training) to promote financial literacy with a gender-aware approach, encouraging couples to plan jointly for their family's future. S4T (Savings for Transformation) which supports sustainable livelihoods through community savings groups, enabling members, especially women, to save and lend for emergencies like healthcare and education and C-Change (Community Change) which focuses on community transformation by promoting inclusion, women's leadership, gender equality, and financial management skills.
- Donor - Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP)
- Supported by - World Vision Australia
- Partner - Sarvodaya
- Locations - Moneragala | Bibile | Meegahakiula | Lunugala | Rideemaliyadda | Welikanda
- Duration - January 2023 to March 2024
- Grant Value - USD 2.31M
- Impact
• 11,734 farmers supported
• 8,781 acres cultivated with 6 different crops
• 2,478 children provided meals through preschool mid-day meal program
• 1,957 children received nutrition & hygiene awareness