39,000 more children learn to read, and other achievements from 2018 in our Annual Report

Friday, February 8, 2019

Sean Kerrigan | National Director | World Vision Rwanda


Dear friend,

It is my great pleasure to share World Vision Rwanda’s 2018 annual report, highlighting some of the amazing work and achievements from the past year.

World Vision continuously seeks to bring partners together to improve the well-being of children — especially the most vulnerable. The local and international partners we work with include churches, governments, businesses, community-based organisations, and other non-governmental organisations. Our desire is to see children enjoy good health and education, experience the love of God and their neighbours, and be cared for protected and participating.

2018 was a busy year.  Working jointly with the Government of Rwanda, and several partners, we launched a five-year advocacy campaign calling all Rwandans to join hands in the fight against child labour and sexual abuse.  World Vision made a bold commitment supporting Rwanda’s plan to ensure everyone has access to clean safe water and we continue to focus on building sustainable and resilient livelihoods with the most vulnerable children and families.

From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the entire World Vision Rwanda team, I would like to say thank you to all our supporters, donors, partners (including churches), and the Government of Rwanda for their wonderful support and collaboration. Thanks to you, we were able to create over 9,000 new jobs; ensure more than 66,000 people have access to safe and clean water; help over 39,000 children learn to read… And many more remarkable accomplishments that you can read about in our full report.

We thank God as we witness the positive change in children’s lives as parents and caregivers are equipped to become self-reliant, encouraged in their understanding of their self-worth, and inspired to live in dignity instead of dependence. Our holistic and integrated approach to development and strong partnerships enable World Vision to continue to empower communities, families, and children themselves to live their lives to the fullest.

Please enjoy reading about all that you have accomplished in our full report here: https://www.wvi.org/rwanda/publication/financial-year-2018-annual-report