SBC Learning Exchange

Social and Behaviour Change in Nutrition | LearningXchange

17 October 2024
1300 hrs SGT

Join us for an inspiring Virtual Learning Exchange on Social and Behaviour Change for Nutrition, hosted by World Vision South Asia and Pacific, in partnership with SUN Civil Society Network (SUN-CSN).

Hear from leading voices at SUN-CSN, WFP, UNICEF, Alive & Thrive Vietnam, Nutrition International (Pakistan), Gems Heart Philippines, and World Vision, as we explore how innovative Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) approaches can improve the nutrition and wellbeing of children around the region.

This event will highlight effective SBC practices, showcase groundbreaking tools, and offer interactive breakout sessions to foster meaningful dialogue—all with the goal of creating healthier futures for our children.

We’d love for you to join us!


Let us draw on this protective spirit to ensure children in our region have ENOUGH nutritious food to eat.  Join the call for a world where every child enjoys enough nourishing food so they can thrive by adding your name above. #SDG2endchildhungerandmalnutrition  

Sign this action and commit to join the movement


Say ENOUGH: Listen to children’s ideas on hunger and nutrition and share what they are saying and creating – on social media, in your church or school or wherever people gather.

Act ENOUGH: Take action to end hunger and malnutrition with school meals, micronutrient support, and food & cash in emergencies.

Give ENOUGH: Sponsor a child so they can get ENOUGH of the right foods to thrive.

Pray ENOUGH: Join with friends and family in prayer for every child to have ENOUGH nourishing food to thrive.