The Duke and Duchess learn about World Vision

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

17 September, 2012

The Royal couple William and Kate now have a broader understanding of development issues in the Solomon Islands after they met community members of Burns Creek today at the Festival Village. The couple visited World Vision’s hut and met with Ellision, Louise and Cain from Burns Creek community who explained some of their personal challenges like unemployment, limited educational opportunities and high instances of substance abuse and physical abuse and how they have managed to overcome these challenges. 

Cain and Louise shared with William and Kate stories about how they are turning their lives around. Cain left school early and was unable to meet his family’s needs, so he turned to drugs and alcohol and after receiving training from World Vision, he started a small piggery business and now feels more confident in himself because he can support his family. 

His wife Louise attended business training as well and now runs her own canteen shop. Louise says they now have "peace in the home" and a bright future for their children. 

The Burns Creek community members were very honored and grateful to be able to talk with William and Kate about how they are working their way out of poverty with the help of World Vision.

 “We are honored and very privileged to speak with the Royal couple today and share our story about the challenges we face in our community and how we have been empowered through the World Vision Youth Project to overcome some of our problems,” says Cain Whitney, community youth leader from Burns Creek. 

World Vision has been working with the community for the past 18 months to change attitudes towards substance abuse and violence and to create opportunities for youth through education and training. 

World Vision is one of the largest and most experienced non-government agencies in the Solomon Islands. The organization has been working in the Solomon Islands for more than three decades with a special focus on children and empowering communities to shape their own development in areas like health, education and economic development.