Early Childhood Education changes lives in Temotu

“…there’s a big difference between my first born girl who is now attending primary classes and my four year old boy who is in the Kindy that [World Vision] Temotu ECCD project is currently establishing. My child currently attending Kindy is much smarter and has a good behavior towards learning. The older one when she was in the same age didn’t attend Kindy and is negative towards learning.”
Father of three from in Manelu Community, Nende.
“My three year old girl says to me early every morning, “Mum I want to go to my Kindy class now, hurry up, I don’t want to stay at home and I will be late for my classes.”’
Mum from Nelua community, Nende.
These testimonials are from parents whose children have started attending World Vision’s Temotu Early Childhood Care Development-(TECCD) project.
Since the TECCD started, it has created a new hope for those in the most isolated and remote places in the Solomon Islands Province of Temotu.Through the early childhood education program, the province’s future generation is now being provided with the right learning environment, which will bring many benefits for the province.
Sixteen early childhood education centers are currently being established with five more approved to follow.. The centers have two teacher trainees each and all have completed their Field Base Training five modules. They are now awaiting the Solomon Islands College of Higher Education Field Based Summer School, which is proposed for early January and February 2013 in Lata.
In addition, there are a number of self sponsored teachers currently undertaking the training program. All will be certified Early Childhood Education teachers if they successfully complete their summer school program. In each community, all capable kids between one and five- years of age are enrolling and parents are taking up their responsibilities of preparing the kids to attend classes.
World Vision works in close partnership with the Temotu Education Authority and expects to complete the project in 2014.