Australian Government sends shelter kits to South Malaita
With the support of the Australian Government, World Vision is sending shelter kits to South Malaita as part of the Solomon Islands Government’s response to Friday’s 7.8 magnitude earthquake. The shelter kits, contain tarpaulins, a shovel, nails, rope and tools to help families affected by the earthquake.
Grant Follett, First secretary, Justice and Peace at the Australian High Commission and World Vision Country Director, Janes Gingting take part in the loading of relief supplies to South Malaita. Photo: Evan Wasuka/World Vision SI
The shelter kits were requested by the National Disaster Management Office, following similar support by World Vision to Makira.
“The Australian Government is committed to providing ongoing support to the Solomon Islands Government response to the damage caused by the recent earthquake,” said Michael Hassett, Acting Head of Mission at the Australian High Commission.
Grant Follett, First Secretary, Justice and Peace at the Australian High Commission and World Vision Country Director, Janes Ginting help load relief supplies for South Malaita response. Photo: Evan Wasuka/World Vision SI
The earthquake affected 4000 people across the provinces of Makira, Malaita and Temotu and damaged roads, bridges and a wharf.
Among the volunteers packing relief supplies at World Vision’s office was Phyllis Saa from Kokana Community Makira Province.
Phyllis was in Honiara when the earthquake happened, but was thinking of her family back home.
Phyllis Sa'a from Kokana community in Makira helps to pack relief supplies for communities in South Malaita Photo: Evan Wasuka/World Vision SI
“The first thing I thought of was how’s my family? How are my children? Are they okay? Is our house destroyed by earthquake, is there any tsunami warning? They should run away to higher ground,” said Phyllis.
“When I called my daughter said they are safe and had run to a hilltop in case of tsunami but have no water to cook, drink, wash because the water dam that the community uses to collect water is covered during a huge landslide caused by the earthquake. My family is safe but I am worried how they are going to survived without water.”
“We hope these shelter kits and other emergency supplies provided by Solomon Islands Government and all development partners can reach the affected communities as soon as possible,” said Janes Ginting, World Vision Country Director.
For more information, or for an interview please contact:
Evan Wasuka
World Vision Solomon Islands Communications Manager
Mobile: +6777653339
Skype: evan.wasuka1