Our Impact
A world where all children are healthy
Globally, children in the poorest households are twice as likely as those in wealthier households to die before their fifth birthday, and the most vulnerable continue to face a similar burden of health challenges as they did decades ago. Almost half of under-five deaths occur during the newborn period, and vulnerable children are still exposed to preventable diseases like pneumonia, diarrhoea and malaria, which together are responsible for almost half of under-five mortality. Children who have not yet received routine vaccinations – referred to as zero-dose children – account for nearly half of all vaccine-preventable deaths.
At World Vision, we confront these realities head-on. Our health interventions are designed to address the leading causes of illness and mortality among children under five. Through family- and community-centered approaches, we focus on behaviour change, community and health systems strengthening, and advocacy at various levels to break the cycle of vulnerability.
Our work aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. By working closely with families, communities, and partners, we are committed to addressing immediate health challenges and contributing to the broader global agenda of achieving universal health coverage and improving overall well-being.
Our Approaches

Health and Nutrition Sector Approach (HNSA)
World Vision focuses on holistic child wellbeing, incorporating the promotion of child and adolescent development to prepare them for lifelong health.

Community Health Workers (CHW)
World Vision supports a broad range of community health initiatives across the globe, many of which are driven by community health workers (CHWs). Our CHW programmes are designed to work through

Nurturing Care Groups (NCG)
An integrated cross-sectoral model based on the Care Groups approach, addressing a range of social norms and behaviour change in health, nutrition, WASH, early child development and child protection.

Community Health Committees (COMM)
Empowering community stakeholders and leaders to identify, plan and promote improvements in health and nutrition practices, social norms and services.