
Special Projects

World Vision Sri Lanka is a trusted partner for governments, foundations, and corporations dedicated to fighting poverty and improving children’s well-being. Beyond our core programmes, we’ve launched over fifteen special initiatives funded by grants, addressing key areas like conflict resolution, WASH, agriculture, economic development, early childhood care, mental health, support for street children, livestock, gender equality, food security, environmental conservation, housing, and microfinance. 

In addition to World Vision Support Offices, the following entities have supported us through grants for special projects:


Access Sri Lanka

ACCESS Sri Lanka/ Mihikatha Lanka

Funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the ACCESS project addresses the critical need to protect food security and enhance the resilience of food production systems against the negative effects of climate change. 

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Re Enforce Social Cohesion (ReSoCo) Project

Funded by The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Re Enforce Social Cohesion (ReSoCo)  Project empowers adolescents and youth as peacebuilders while improving their economic conditions.  

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PHINLA Livelihood through Waste Management Project

The PHINLA Project aims to make improvements in the existing solid waste management systems of the urban areas of Philippines, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.  PHINLA is a global programme to develop livelihood for the poverty affected population through a multi-sectoral waste management system. 

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Grassroots Conflict Prevention in Sri Lanka (GRACE) Project

Funded by the European Union Foreign Policy Instrument, GRACE Project focuses on community-driven development, resilience building, and improving income of families. The project has successfully initiated dialogues on violence, capacity building for a culture of peace, digital empowerment, and helped communities identify livelihood opportunities as well as set up their own savings groups and lend to each other when needs arise. 

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RISE! Lanka

Resilient, Inclusive, Sustainable Economic development for Sri Lanka (RISE Lanka!) Project

Resilient, Inclusive, Sustainable Economic Development for Sri Lanka supported by the Australian Government through the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP), implemented by World Vision Lanka together with the local implementing partner Sarvodaya, aimed to address the food security and nutrition needs of Sri Lanka’s most vulnerable population in Uva and North Central provinces while strengthening the agricultural and dairy farming systems, as well as addressing barriers for women and people with disability to engage in community decision making and income generation.  

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Strengthening Household Resilience Against Food Insecurity

Funded by USAID, the project aimed to strengthen preparedness and build resilience in vulnerable households in Sri Lanka. Through the provision of technical assistance, multipurpose cash, and tools to withstand shocks, the project focused on empowering communities to achieve greater self-reliance. 


SL Economic crisis response

Sri Lanka Economic Crisis Response Project

Immediate Lifesaving and Protection Support to the Most Vulnerable Affected by the Sri Lankan Economic Crisis Project - also known as the Sri Lanka Economic Crisis Response Project focuses on responding to the immediate needs of households most affected by the current economic crisis in Sri Lanka.


ECHO Covid-19 Vaccination campaign

COVID-19 Response Project

EU logo


Funded by European Union, this project focuses on enhancing Covid-19 prevention, care, and treatment capacity of the health system by providing essential equipment and improving access to vaccination for the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly and persons with a disability. 

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Natural Farming

Natural Farming

Natural farming is a farming practice that imitates the way of nature and builds a stronger relationship between the farmer, the nature and the soil. It brings the soil and environment back to its original form where nature works for the production. This is the most sustainable way to farm. Here are the principles that the farmers have to follow - no mulching, no tilling, no weeding, no pesticide and...


iLIVE Project

iLIVE Project

Inclusive Livelihood (iLIVE) Project focuses on the most vulnerable individuals – people with disability, women heading households and those living in extreme poverty. The Project helps not only in empowering them with stable income generation activities, but also be included in their communities.


BMZ Project

BMZ Project

Dairy Development Project focuses on increasing quality of milk production and the productivity of small-scale dairy farmers. The Project builds capacity through technical trainings, business training and increasing knowledge in milk handling and cattle management.


LIFT Project

LIFT Project

Livestock Initiative for Transformation

The LIFT Project introduces an additional source of income to the poorest of the poor families in order to strengthen and stabilise household incomes. 


Homes not Houses

Homes not Houses

Building Sustainable Future Together

The war uprooted many families in the North and the East and destroyed their homes and assets. Many of those who returned to their lands after the war had to start from scratch and livelihood and housing were the biggest needs. Homes not Houses Project was implemented to help returnee families have access to affordable and appropriate housing solutions while also providing them with a livelihood.




The FRIENDS Project was initiated in 2001 to uplift the lives and the wellbeing of children living on the streets. We have been serving to assist such children through two residential programmes and one Drop-in Centre. 




Promoting Farming Enterprises in Diary Production (PROFEED) Project is jointly implemented with Vision Fund Lanka - the microfinance arm of World Vision Lanka – and promotes sustainable dairy farming practices. Farmers are trained in market-oriented dairy farming, entrepreneurship, business development, financial management and legal formalities as well as...


BCoB Project

BCoB Project

The Bringing the community on Board project was launched with the aim of increasing the economic resilience for communities prone to natural disasters.