Child Well Being Report FY15 World Vision Sri Lanka
DownloadWVL implemented child-focused programming in a total of 42 Area Development Programmes (ADPs) and 2 Area Rehabilitation Programmes (ARPs), including grant-funded projects and initiatives mobilized together with the pri-vate sector. Utilising a total budget of USD 20 million, it has reached approximately 85,325 Registered Children (RCs) among other children, and a host of indirect beneficiaries that include – mothers, beneficiary families, com-munity groups, and government and non-governmental partners. Effective partnerships and advocacy initiatives with government has positively impacted over 800,000 children over the years. This cumulative number includes approximately 10,000 children impacted through policy implementation at the grass-roots level in FY15. WVL has achieved the following impacts and learning, assessed against Child Well Being Outcomes (CWBOs) and its Coun-try Strategic Objectives.