The gift that returned smiling to Liana

Liana is 17-years-old loves books, reading and her school. Her desire to study has not been dimmed by her difficulties with hearing. Liana and her parents had some concern for her hearing, but right before she went to high school she underwent several medical examinations that revealed her health issues problems and hearing difficulties.
Her parents felt powerless to help their daughter as they face considerable economic problems and have very little income for all the needs of the family.
“We guess that Liana has had hearing problems for years. But our family has serious economic problems; the only bread winner is my husband, who works abroad for many years. It has been almost impossible for us to cover her medically test expenses. We could notice that with time passing, my daughter's behavior changed towards her friends, teachers, and even her family. When the time came to register Liana in the high school, we did some medical tests to register her. It was confirmed that our concerns were right and that Liana has hearing impediemnt. We didn't want to believe in this, partially because we were worried that if it would be true we could not be able to buy so much needed hearing device. We knew it is very expensive,” says Liana’s mother.
She tells us that Liana is a strong girl, and notwithstanding hearing difficulties, she never surrendered, she never missed a day from school and continues to have a great desire to learn and follow her great dream to study like all her peers.
Liana’s friends and teachers in her school were worried for her health. The class council decided to share her issue in a meeting organised by the student government with 31 school councils with a purpose to find a solution for their friend.
Consulting with the school psychologist, they decided to contact the IMPACT group and the active youth in the school who are supported by World Vision. This group has always been raising their voice related to different causes in their community. As a solution, 16 youth from the IMPACT group and the student government decided to set up a donation box to fundraise some funds to help Liana.
The inspiring and caring initiative undertaken by the youth was also embraced by the teachers. The initiative turned to be a success and the students were able to gather a considerable sum enough to buy the hearing device for Liana. Today, Liana is happy that she can hear all the sounds and that her greatest dream to continue her studies is now a reality.
“I am forever grateful to World Vision and my school friends that cared for me and helped to overcome my problem by resolving it,” says Liana gratefully.