Maternal and Child Health Promoted in Luanda

Pregnant woman receives maternity kit
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

As part of the Maternal-Child Program, the "Mais e Melhor Saúde" Project, funded by AzuleEnergy and implemented by World Vision Angola in the peri-urban areas of the capital Luanda, has been promoting various awareness activities and distributing safe labor kits to pregnant women in the municipalities of Viana, Cazenga, Cacuaco, and Talatona.

Recently, the World Vision Angola team, in partnership with the JUCARENTE - a local organization, visited four pregnant women from the Cazenga municipality who are being monitored weekly by health agents.

Pregnant woman receiving sensitisation on pregnancy care

During the visit, the pregnant women received a safe labor kit, which will serve as support during hospitalization at the maternity ward, as well as a prenatal consultation calendar and informational brochures about family planning.

"The support from the assistants has been beneficial for me and my baby, as they always remind me of the importance of going to the hospital for consultations, ensuring that the baby is born healthy. In the beginning, it was very difficult because I was not adhering to the treatment and ended up losing weight drastically due to lack of appetite. After five months, I started eating properly again; thanks to the support, I am recovering. I am very grateful for everyone's help," said Joaquina Hukemba, 27, a project beneficiary.

Pregnant woman receiving her maternity kit

The "Mais e Melhor Saúde" Project aims to contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality rates among pregnant women, both within and outside healthcare facilities.

THE IMPORTANCE OF PRENATAL CARE: Expecting a Child with Care and Love

Maiara Lopes, a 23-year-old young woman born and raised in Luanda, in the urban area of Cazenga municipality, is now one of the beneficiaries of the "Mais e Melhor Saúde" maternal-child program, funded by AzuleEnergy, which is dedicated to ensuring essential support for pregnant women and their babies.

Pregnant woman receiving awareness about the importance of prenatal care

As she prepares for the arrival of her first child, Maiara shares her journey with a moving testimony. From the beginning of her pregnancy, Maiara knew this phase would be a mix of challenges and joys. She describes the gratification she feels as she completes each stage of this process, although not without facing obstacles. In the second week of pregnancy, Maiara received a concerning diagnosis of problems with her cervix, requiring her to start prenatal consultations earlier than planned. This diagnosis could have been a devastating blow, but for Maiara, it was a warning sign that became an opportunity to save her and her baby's lives.

"These prenatal consultations changed everything for me," Maiara reveals with eyes full of gratitude. With the support and monitoring of health agents, she was able to effectively manage her health. During the awareness process promoted by the program, Maiara learned the importance of taking care of herself and her baby. The guidance she received allowed her to adopt healthier habits and follow medical recommendations rigorously.

Pregnant woman receiving her maternity kit

Maiara also highlights the importance of raising awareness among other expectant mothers: "My advice to other pregnant women is not to ignore when a community health worker approaches. It's crucial to keep up with consultations to avoid going through what I went through," she emphasizes with sincerity and empathy.

Her story is an inspiration, showing how the right information and support can transform a pregnant woman's life. Now, Maiara eagerly awaits the arrival of her daughter, feeling prepared and confident to take on the role of mother. She believes that each consultation, each conversation with healthcare professionals, and each step towards self-care were crucial in ensuring a healthy and hopeful pregnancy.