2,326 children started school year with new school items

Within World Vision Armenia’s ‘Back To School’ donation campaign 2326 children, living in extreme poverty, welcomed the 2021 academic year with new school bags and school items.
According to World Vision Armenia Marketing Coordinator Irena Balayan, the campaign received a warm welcome by the public։ “People were very eager to help; we had many donations from business companies and individuals. I would like to thank these companies and individuals for their trust and support to children in need. Our team attaches great importance to the introduction of fundraising culture in Armenia and care towards people in need living next to us.”
World Vision Armenia is grateful to all its supporters that enabled to realise the ‘Back to School’ campaign. We warmly thank ‘Nairi Insurance’, ‘Ani Plaza’, ‘Mark Sevuni’, Syunik Regional Psycho-neurological Dispensary, ‘Optim Armenia’, ‘Ashkarh’ restaurant and ‘Mogo’ companies for their partnership.