We believe in Gayane's fairy tale

When walking in Jermuk, you will often meet Gayane with her mom hurrying to the Child Development Foundation Jermuk center. Here Gayane is very much awaited by the specialists working with her, the psychologist, speech therapist, physio-therapist and ergo-therapist. The busy mom besides taking care of three children also produces handmade stuff, she is a skilled tailor. Nevertheless, the hectic daily schedule can’t hinder the visit of Gayane to the center, as the change is visible after every session.
Gayane’s mom has made up a fairy tale for Gayane, in which it says: “In our house we have a princess named Gayane and we have to find a red rose for her, which is her health and we all work for it. It is indescribable the happiness we will have with Gayane’s every small progress. We believe that we will win the devil and we believe in the happiest end, which is the change of Gayane’s path – she will be healthier”.
In this fairy tale the care by Gayane’s little sister and brother is also highlighted. They know, they have to take care of their sister, as their mother is very busy and can’t always manage. Their father is a driver and can’t spend much time with children.
Gayane’s time spent in the center is really a huge support to the family, because she becomes more peaceful, socialises and gets together with course mates, shows her skills and abilities that she gains in the center. We also believe in this fairy tale and hope we will enjoy seeing Gayane healthier and successful.