World Vision responds to families affected by flooding in Bandarban, Bangladesh
With initial funding from START fund worth $152,125, World Vision in Bangladesh assisted 1,718 households or 8,590 people in Bandarban district through the distribution of Multi-Purpose Cash Grant (MPCG), special grants for person with disability, hygiene kits and hygiene awareness orientation.

May Nue lives with her husband and three children in Dumkipara situated in Raisa Union under Bandarban Sadar Upazila. After the flood, she has become anxious about her children’s health and nutrition. She and her husband could not afford to arrange enough food for their children. Her two schoolboys have no shirts to wear to attend school.
This year the flood water has rapidly risen, that no one guessed it will rise so high. They could not save their stock rice and lentils. She had 15 chickens which can lay at least 6 eggs per day. All have been washed away including the vegetable garden totally damaged. Four out of her five goats died.
Most of May Nue's neighborhood are day laborer and work in the farm fields. They could hardly save any money for the future or emergency needs. Last July 25, May Nue received support from World Vision Bangladesh and BNKS. She was able to purchase food items, dresses for her children, and 5 hens she can raise and start over again. With the help of Start Fund, UK Aid, many survivors like May Nue Ching can somehow cope and rise above the calamity.
U chin, 24, is a graduate and local child forum leader living in Bandarban, one of the beautiful hilly districts of Bangladesh. She and her family have recently been affected by the devastated flood which hit 21 districts of the country in July 2019.
Usually the people of this area rear goats and chickens to meet emergency financial needs. Like many other families, U Chin’s family have lost their regular source of livelihood in the flood such as livestock and young papaya and paddy saplings they recently planted in the field.
U chin’s family is not resilient enough to overcome sudden disaster shocks as they have no financial savings. So, they are bound to compromise with food intake and now taking two meals instead of three a day and rarely manage any protein in the dish.
People mostly children of this area were at risk of various water borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid etc. Adolescent girls and women were also facing challenges to maintain proper menstrual hygiene.
Recently on 25 July, U Chin’s family have received 5,500 BDT (USD 66) Multi-Purpose Cash Grants (MPCG) and hygiene kit support from World Vision and BNKS. They also got orientation on proper hygiene management. To meet the nutrition requirement of the family they immediately purchased rice, lentil and edible oil. The hygiene kit also came to a great help for U Chin to keep the family safe from various diseases. With the remainder money, U Chin’s father purchased 100 papaya sapling and paddy seeds and planted in their land. The tender green paddy saplings are growing fast and with the help of Start Fund, UK Aid, the smiles are getting back in the face the people like U Chin in Bandarban.