Sustainable Eco Agricultural Project Handed Over

By Michael Arunga – World Vision Emergency Communications Specialist, Mali
An Eco Agricultural project launched seven years-ago by World Vision's team in Mali, has ended with set objectives accomplished and sustainability assured.
The project, implemented in two phases at a cost of USD$ 4,129,747, which was funded by donors in the United States and the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACF), covered Mali, Ghana and Burkina Faso.
Participants at a stakeholders forum in Bamako, Mali’s capital city, who included community beneficiaries, ministry of environment officials, senior government representatives, World Vision staff, received the final report that enumerated the project’s achievements.
The eco-agriculture project’s impact include:
- 41, 314 farmers, more than double the initially planned 20,000, adapted ecologically rational practices of climate-smart agriculture in Diema and Kolokani areas;
- 236 Farmer Field Schools installed;
- 20 experimental plots set up as part of bio-physical studies and economic development with International Institute of Economic Research (IIER) and International Food Policy Research International (IFPRI);
- 821 farmers (among them 72 women) had exchange and learning visits to the best agro-ecological fields and Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) sites in Diema and Kolokani regions;
- 6 agricultural fairs brought together more than 2,868 participants were organized by World Vision in collaboration with the UPCSA / CTA project in Nossombougou, Kolokani, Didieni and Diema. These fairs linked 11 seed producers from Diema and Kolokani to 10 national suppliers;
- 26,535 hectares had new plants in Diema and Kolokani areas, thanks to RNA;
- 20 disaster risk management plans were developed and made available for Diema and Kolokani areas;
- 188 out of 160 planned water points (well coping, construction of water basins and drains) built or developed;
- 4 Summary Water Adductions in Garambougou, Tienekebougou, N’Gabakoro and Bignekolobougou carried out;
- 72 market gardening sites which include 29 developed by the project in Diema and Kolokani areas, covering 85,760 hectares, directly benefitted and impacted 2,030 producers and 7,848 children, respectively;
- 140 out of the planned 90 Savings for Transformation (S4T) groups were created and functional, with 3,333 members (and their families) directly impacted in Diema and Kolokani areas;
- In December 2019, CFA 147,143,500 is the total amount shared between the members of 140 Savings for Transformation groups with CFA 28, 438,500 given out as loans;
- 63 Savings for Transformation (S4T) groups were put in partnership with the RMCR MFI (Network of Micro Institutions for Income Growth);
- 41 out of the planned 20 cooperatives involved in value chains in Diema and Kolokani areas.
World Vision has now handed over the project to the community, which will continue receiving support from relevant government department’s, such as the Ministry of Environment. The project will also be able to access funding support, as loans, from VisionFund, World Vision’s Micro Finance Institution (MFI).