Empowered Worldview shows its effectiveness for Maman Mandé

On our planet, God in his justice, offers every day and in an equitable manner 6,314 seconds to everyone. While some seek to exploit this divine wealth, others are ignorant of its value. But there is a unique case that deserves to be examined in outline. It is the story of a woman who has particularly distinguished herself by pulling her head out of the water in the Pendé programme implemented in the province of Logone Oriental.
Living in an area that can offer attractive opportunities –which paradoxically has not had the chance to be boosted by the public authorities– Maman Mandé, who is now in her forties, married and mother of five children, was able to seize the opportunity offered by World Vision in the Eastern Logone of Chad to improve her living conditions.
No one has the right to erase a page of the history of a people. For a people without history is a people without a soul. It is through this popular assertion, taken up by the presenter Alain Foka, a journalist at Radio France Internationale, that we discover this story.
Modest but reassured, she follows a training on the Empowered Worldview model and benefits from the financial contribution of a savings group of which she is a member. She starts with the breeding of animals in the yard and weaving with an amount of 20,300 CFA Francs ($36).
Today, her poultry farm numbers more than 200 chickens and it also has small ruminants for breeding. Thanks to the booty from her activity, Maman Mandé provides the conveniences related to the food ration of her family and supports the medical expenses required for the care of her offspring. Maman Mandé is an example of courage, tenacity and the will to succeed in spite of a context that is not always favorable. Today she is taking responsibility for herself and does not constitute a burden for society. She is a woman who fights in a world largely dominated by men.
Proud of her accomplishments, she thanks World Vision for the capacity-building sessions she was able to benefit from: "I am happy with the contribution that World Vision has given me. It has allowed me to have a capital, to value it and to take responsibility for myself. One thing leading to another, World Vision has helped me to overcome the pains of my dark past to glimpse a much brighter future. Thanks again to World Vision".