A girl led Child Adolescent Youth club to train on self-protection skills

By Ky Saratt.

Roem is a15-year-old girl from Chikraeng district, Siem Reap province, Cambodia. Currently, Roem is living with her parents, and now she is studying in grade 10.
Roem shared, “Before I did not like participating in club activities with other children and I didn’t understand the form of violence. And I could not lead children members here.”

Since World Vision was introduced in the community, Roem joined the programme in Chikraeng. In addition, Roem joined the activities of Keeping Children Safe, Child Rights, 15 Article toolkits, and child Led Mobilization (CLM).

Roem said, “Now I dare to lead children and adolescents in my community. And I could tell them how to protect themselves and end violence against children in my community.”
The programme has closely worked with 43 (34 females) child adolescent youth (CAY) clubs leaders to replicate awareness on Keeping Children Safe toolkits (KCS), Article 15 toolkits and child rights with 1042 (581 females) members, including 965 MVCs (CAY Club Members List in July 2021). And children and adolescents, especially the most vulnerable, have improved their knowledge of self-protection from all forms of violence and participated as agents of positive change.
Based on Keeping Children Safe toolkits (KCS), Pre-Post Test, 85% (416/489) of children aged 11-18 can identify the leading child protection issues in their community and how to protect themselves from abuse and exploitation and other forms of violence.
World Vision’s Child Protection and Participation Technical Programme teams worked to engage community stakeholders to address the root causes of violence against children through building capacity and increasing partnering and collaboration between formal and informal child protection actors.
These community partners and stakeholders then worked together to create a protective environment caring for and supporting all children, especially the very vulnerable.

In Cambodia, 271 projects were initiated and led by child, adolescent and youth groups to address violence against children and other issues in their communities. These child-led projects benefited more than 20,000 children in local communities.
Roem said, “I wish my community to develop, and children are protected in all forms of violence and well educated for life.”
Roem added,” I commit to participate in all programme’s activities and to develop my skills and to create awareness to children on how to protect themselves from violence.”
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