COVID-19 in Niger: Roukaya misses her friend
Our vision for every child is life in all its fullness and our prayer for every heart is the will to make it so. Thus, since the onset of COVID-19, World Vision remains attentive to its communities, more specifically children like Roukaya and Barira, who share with us their perspectives on COVID-19.
In 2020, over 2.9 million people in Niger (nearly 450,000 direct beneficiaries and 2.5 million indirect beneficiaries) including 1.6 million children were reached through World Vision's COVID-19 response. Our response also reached more than 15,000 refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees in Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillaberi camps, as well as other sites. Most of the indirect beneficiaries were mainly reached through the promotion of preventive measures through 22 local radios.