#COVID19: Children in South Sudan learn handwashing to keep themselves safe from the pandemic

Seven-year-old Helen Karama looked small but she is already aware of how important handwashing is at this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. "I wash my hands before I go to the child-friendly space, as soon as I arrive home and every time after touching anything."
Last year, a total of 151,497 children have participated in various learning and other activities in World Vision's child-friendly spaces (CFSs) set-up in its four operational zones in South Sudan. Social worker Sebit James discussed the proper handwashing technique once again with the children in Juba CFS.
"Girls and boys have access to child-friendly information about the virus, including safe sanitation and hygiene techniques. CFSs help to ensure normalcy and routine - in a safe and creative way, while respecting social distance - at a time when we're all making adjustments to how we interact with one another", says Vanessa Saraiva, Senior Advisor on Protection and Gender.

Read more: World Vision's preparedness to the global COVID-19 pandemic in South Sudan
Photos by Scovia Faida Charles Duku, Communications Officer