Merlin gets serious on hand washing; confides, "Mothers in Juba are terrified of coronavirus"
World Vision has constructed latrines in six nutrition centers and installed 10,000-liter water tanks for drinking and handwashing in 11 nutrition centers in Juba. Malnutrition cases dropped as mothers gained more knowledge on the value of handwashing, proper nutrition, and exclusive breastfeeding, among others. World Vision has recently added awareness and prevention tips to avoid COVID-19.
Here's how mothers in Juba are practicing handwashing and hygiene practices to keep their families safe.
Merlin Benson, 18 and a mother to 9-months old Sarah, says, “This disease is so terrifying. I will make sure my baby and I are safe, by following the advice shared at the nutrition center.”
Nine-months old Sarah enjoys her handwashing moment with mother Merlin who campaigns with fellow mothers to take the prevention reminders to heart to keep their children safe.
Jackeline Albino, a mother of four says, “I visit the hospital twice-monthly due to frequent diarrhea and infection. After learning and practicing handwashing with clean water to prevent diseases, I am healthier. Now, I make sure my children’s hands are washed before and after eating and going to the toilet.”
Hanan Mahamud, 27, says: "My heart bleeds for my children’s safety should there be a coronavirus case in South Sudan. I do not know who they play with at school and I cannot stop them from going because their future is at stake without education. I don’t want this coronavirus to separate me from my children.”
Amid the threats posed by COVID-19 in South Sudan, Jimmy Samuel Moro, World Vision's National WASH Coordinator, discusses handwashing and hygiene practices to mothers at the nutrition center in Juba.