Not Just Access To Water, But the Ability To Put Food On The Table!

WASH, Eswatini
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Eric, from Mahlangatsha Area Programme in Eswatini, is a dedicated and hardworking man who has experienced a life-changing transformation as a result of accessing water closer to his home.

Through its commitment to ensuring food security, World Vision Eswatini implemented a range of initiatives aimed at making sure communities have enough food, one of which is bringing accessible water closer to those in need.

For years, Eric (49) and his family of five struggled with food insecurity, worsened by the lack of accessible water. The nearest water source was a tiring 30-45 minute walk away, consuming valuable time and energy each day. This left little room for cultivating a sustainable food source, making it difficult for Erica to provide enough food for his family.

Recognizing the critical need for accessible water in rural communities, World Vision Eswatini, through its Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) technical programme, installed a sustainable water system in Eric's area in 2023. This initiative brought clean water just 10 minutes away from his home, a significant reduction in travel time, that opened up new possibilities for him and his community. The Mambatfweni Water System provides water to about 900 people, including children.

With water now readily accessible, Eric seized the opportunity to start a nutrition garden at home. He planted cabbages, spinach, lettuce, beetroot, and onions, transforming a once barren plot of land into a thriving source of nutrition. The closeness of the water supply allowed Eric to dedicate more time to tending his garden, ensuring a stable and abundant harvest.

“Accessing water easily has also improved the sanitation at home and my children do not have outbreaks anymore caused by drinking dirty water,” Eric explained.

World Vision’s efforts go beyond just providing water; they are part of a broader mission to ensure that every child has enough food to lead a healthy and productive life. By addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty, World Vision is helping communities build resilience and improve their overall quality of life.

Eric’s flourishing garden is proof of the transformative power of these initiatives. With a reliable source of nutritious food, he can now ensure that his family has enough to eat, breaking the cycle of food insecurity. His story is one of hope and resilience, showcasing the profound impact of community support and sustainable development initiatives.