Potable water source provision brings happiness to Askuna Community

Clean water coverage in Ethiopia is among the lowest in the world. The problem is the worst in rural areas of the country. Girls and women frequently have to travel great distances in search of unsafe water sources. Young girls are missing classes, and their school performance is affected in this regard. The water was causing waterborne diseases and affecting their health. Mothers must prioritize gathering water for their families over caring for their children.
Letekidan Gebreegizihaber, 50, a mother of four, lives at Askuma Village. She was one of the victims of the challenge. Reflecting on the challenges and problem of lack of clean water, she says, "The water source is about a 30-minute back-and-forth walk." However, as the volume of discharge was very small compared to the huge number of beneficiaries, there was often a long queue of people lining up to get the water. "We used to fight over our turn. It used to take us about two to three hours to get our turn."
The volume of the spring water diminishes during the dry season. People had to get up early in the morning and walk to the water source to avoid the long line. She says, "From February to May, the discharging volume of water decreases significantly." We had to get up at about 4:00 a.m. in the morning and walk to the water sources to minimize the long wait. It was a horrible experience to walk to the water source in the dark. We used to stumble and fall. We used to encounter hyenas on our way, and they used to threaten us."
Yordanos Muluneh,14, was one of the girls that experienced the challenge. She says, "As a girl, I had to fetch water for my family." I had to get up early in the morning and walk to the water source to fetch water and go to school on time. However, due to the long queue, I was frequently late for school. There was a time when I missed an exam. The water problem has affected my school's performance."
The water source was not clean. It used to sicken the community. Yordanos says: "The spring water source had waterborne diseases." I was frequently sick with diarrhea and ameba and sought medical attention at health centers and even a hospital. My mother used to spend a lot of money on my medication. "I was also suffering from the agony of the disease and missed classes."
World Vision has constructed large water sources amidst Askuna Kebele. More than 7,133 people are now benefiting from this water source. Letekidan says, "The water source is within walking distance of my home." It takes me about five minutes to fetch the water. There is no longer a line of people waiting for turns, as there once was. I am delighted to see this at this time."
Yordanos also enjoyed the new water sources. She says, "The water source is clean. I am no longer sick from waterborne diseases. I also no longer get up early in the morning like before. I get up at a normal time, fetch clean water from the water point, and go to class on time. I have time for studying my lesson now, and my school performance has improved."