Strengthening foster care service - priority for World vision Georgia

Strengthening foster care service and social work in Georgia is one of the priorities for World Vision.
World Vision Georgia organised an Appreciation Event aimed to honor social workers and foster parents for their efforts and years of service, dedication and support provided to children in need.
The event invited the public to appreciate the work of foster parents and social workers and celebrate their day to day work.
“Today’s event is a celebration of all devoted foster parents and social workers, who together are making a key difference in the lives of vulnerable children, and an important contribution to the development of Georgia’s child welfare and protection system!“ - Carl Hartzell, Ambassador of the European Union.
"Foster care is one of the most important services that needs more attention from state authorities, non-governmental organisations and general public. It is the responsibility of every person to contribute to the development of child protection and welfare system in Georgia. We are ready to support anyone who express desire to become foster parents and share love and care to children who need it the most,“ - Meri Maglaperidze, Director of Agency for State Care and Assistance for the (Statutory) Victims of Human Trafficking.
World Vision Georgia awarded the foster parents and social workers with appreciation certificates for their efforts and dedication toward their work. As foster care is the best alternative to biological families, foster parents should be granted continuous support to be able to secure basic and developmental needs of children who are under especially difficult circumstances.
Social workers also serve the needs of the Day Care Center for Street-Connected Children supported by World Vision. One of the purposes of this event was to connect the children of the Day Care Center and children of the foster care.
During the event guests had the opportunity to attend a special musical performance – Gipsy Dance Performance performed by Day Care Center beneficiaries. One of our beneficiaries performed a song with famous composer - Dato Evgenidze. The outdoor space was fully dedicated to the entertainment activities organised for most important guests - the children from Day Care Centers and foster care. The event was full of joy and happiness creating unforgettable impressions for the children with animators show, music performance, photo shooting zone and art corner with handicraft masterclass for kids.
The event was organised within the EU funded project “Reinforcing the Child Protection and Welfare System in Georgia” implemented by World Vision Georgia since 2019. Within the framework of the project, World Vision Georgia with partner organisations:
- Supported the implementation of the code on the Rights of Child in Georgia,
- Guided the development of country level deinstitutionalization strategy and action plan,
- Assessed non-regulated childcare institutions in the country,
- Supported the replacement of large scale institutions with alternative, family based care options,
- Established child protection departments in local municipalities,
- Contributed to building the capacity of 316 foster care parents with initial and on job trainings,
- Developed various modules and provided training to 130 municipal social workers and 250 social workers from state care agency.