Looking within, going beyond: 40 years of World Vision Ghana

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

World Vision Ghana held its 40th anniversary durbar at the College of Physicians and Surgeons on November 28, 2019. It was a special day to commemorate 40 years of working across the nation of Ghana, helping children, their families and the communities they live in.  Dignitaries from the church, current and former World Vision staff, and partners from across the nation, gathered to celebrate this great milestone.                                                                                            

Mr. Dickens Thunde, the National Director of World Vision Ghana opened the ceremony saying “In the coming years World Vision will focus on collaborating with Ghanaians and Corporate entities, to ensure quality funding that supports impactful programmes for the well-being of children

Baba Mahama, the Board Chair of World Vision Ghana commended the staff of World Vision and partners for a good work done “We believe in partnership with government and donors and learn from children as we work to focus on the wellbeing of children”.

This was followed by remarks from the chairperson of the 40th anniversary, Nana Kobina Nketia V who said, “The World is about the children. What we do to them determines the future that we all live in”. He further encouraged Ghanaians to support World Vision’s mission of ensuring life in all its fullness to the most vulnerable children.

Carla Denizard, the West African Regional Leader emphasized, "World Vision provides services in places where most people do not go as we want to reach the most vulnerable”

Crowning the ceremony was a powerful and inspirational message from the Bishop of Action Chapel International, Dick Essandoh, who spoke on the need to excel in order to ensure sustainability for generations to come. According to him “When I got the invitation, I went to web page to know more about the organization. After viewing all the wonderful videos and hearing the powerful testimonies today, I want to tell you that I am ready to partner with World Vision Ghana and sponsor a child in the country”

There were solidarity messages from World Vision Ghana’s partners and the President and CEO of World Vision International, Andrew Morley. Distinguished guests, children and staff all reminisced on the achievements accomplished, and reflected on how we can secure the future of World Vision Ghana.

One of the key themes during the ceremony was the need to start working towards local resource mobilization, in order to reduce the burden we place on foreign aid. This shift will ensure that our programmes are sustainable and will provide Ghanaians the opportunity to be part of this great work.

As we celebrate 40 years of God’s goodness towards us, we look forward to more sustainable interventions and touching the lives of many more children and the communities, they live in.