Samuel Reads - The Power of After-School Reading Clubs
By Sasu Brako, Project Officer - Education
Before the introduction of an after-school reading club in Krachi West District, Samuel, 8, struggled to read. He was among several other pupils who could not read or write. His reading inability bothered not only him but his parents and schoolteacher too.
Samuel was not only timid, but his confidence level was low. "I found it difficult to read in class because I felt shy standing in front of my classmates," Samuel said. Samuel has not only improved his reading ability but also built his confidence level since he joined an after-school reading program introduced by World Vision Ghana in his community.
Several weeks after participating in the after-reading club activities, Samuel began to read fluently and well. According to Charles, who is also a facilitator of the afterschool reading club, Samuel's reading abilities were limited to two-letter words. "He could not read confidently and often stuttered while reading,", he said. Samuel's reading improvement excited not only his teacher but also his parents, who had previously worried about his reading ability. Gyamfua, Samuel’s mother, said, “My son was not friendly. I am glad World Vision's intervention has helped him overcome his challenges."
World Vision Ghana has developed over 200 different story titles in the local language, with over 15,000 copies distributed to community book banks. A community book bank is a collection of storybooks kept in a box at reading clubs and schools to improve children's reading skills. World Vision has also established 45 reading clubs in 20 communities across the Krachi West Area Program. World Vision has trained over 75 reading club facilitators. Samuel is among over 2,294 children supported with reading materials and storybooks. Samuel gets routine visits from his facilitator at home as well.
Today, Samuel has become an excellent and fluent reader, both at school and at the reading club. He helps his friends read fluently. World Vision has collaborated with the local radio station in Krachi West Municipality to set up a reading program on weekends. This is to give children exposure to reading and public speaking.
Samuel’s father, George, expressed joy in his son's improvement. “I was so happy." I was at a loss for words upon hearing my son read a storybook confidently on the radio. Thanks to World Vision and Teacher Charles for their support,” he said. “I am happy I can now read well and help others do so. I want to become a teacher like my class teacher, Mr. Charles, and also help more children in my community learn to read,” Samuel said joyfully.
World Vision's Let the Children Come Project also played an instrumental role in Samuel's spiritual development. The Kid's Club project is teaching him values such as obedience, respect, and humility toward his family and neighbours. Samuel is on a spiritual path.
The After-School Reading Club is a place where children go after school and on weekends to build on literacy skills learned at school. Children learn how to read in the local language for easy English translation. After-school reading clubs are facilitated by community volunteers who lead children to build literacy skills through songs, storytelling, reading activities, and games.