DR Congo: More Than 30,000 Internally Displaced People Have Received Cash To Meet Their Needs In The Camps Around Goma

Friday, October 11, 2024

By Rodrigue Harakandi, Communications officer

More than 4 million people are internally displaced, most of them in camps around the city of Goma in eastern DRC. They have fled fighting between the FARDC and the M23 armed group in the Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories. World Vision responded quickly with aid in the form of food, water, child protection and cash. However, the new confrontations around Sake have led to massive new displacements, amplifying the needs.

To meet the growing need arising from a new wave of newly displaced people from Masisi, with the fund from USAID-BHA via the I-Life project, World Vision has scaled up its response in the Mugunga-Kashaka IDPs camp. An additional 48 tons of food have been distributed to 9601 persons and 1 422 990 Usd have been distributed to 31622 people. Yet the need is overwhelming, and the resources are stretched thin. These displaced populations continue to grow, and the security situation remains volatile. World Vision continues to call for more resources to meet the growing needs of displaced people, mainly children, affected by armed conflict in eastern DRC.