Enriching children's futures by strengthening resilience, access to markets and financial services for communities

ENOUGH child hunger and Malnutrition
Meet the Matlanyanes: With the power of Savings for Transformation, they have turned their homegrown produce into a thriving business. Each jar sold not only supports their family but also embodies their journey out of poverty, ensuring a brighter future for their grandson.
Monday, May 13, 2024

By: Reentseng Phephetho, Communications & Digital Officer, Lesotho

In the face of extreme poverty, children around the world bear the brunt of its devastating impact on their holistic development. The repercussions are far-reaching, affecting psychosocial and physical health, leading to malnutrition, lack of education, social exclusion, and limiting future employment opportunities. Recognizing the urgency to address this crisis, World Vision, through its Livelihoods and Resilience Technical Program, is dedicated to ending poverty in all its forms, with a special focus on empowering the most vulnerable children to realize their full potential.

World Vision's Multifaceted Approach to Sustainable Development

ENOUGH child hunger and Malnutrition
Empowered women from a Savings for Transformation group proudly display their locally produced goods, a symbol of their financial independence and resilience. Through their collective efforts, they've gained access to markets, securing sustainable income to support their families and uplift their communities."

World Vision's commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is unwavering, and their multifaceted approach aims to create lasting change:

1. Graduating Families from Extreme Poverty: By targeting the most vulnerable families, World Vision strives to uplift them from the grips of extreme poverty, fostering a foundation for sustainable growth.

2. Strengthening Food Production and Access to Markets: Empowering communities with the tools and knowledge to enhance food production, coupled with improved access to markets and financial services, ensures a pathway to economic stability.

3. Promoting Sustainable Employment Opportunities: World Vision recognizes the importance of sustainable employment and robust market systems in breaking the cycle of poverty, providing individuals with the means to build a better future.

4. Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Central to World Vision's strategy is the empowerment of women, recognizing their pivotal role in driving positive change within their communities.

Savings for Transformation (S4T) Model in Lesotho

Savings for Tranformation
In this heartwarming scene, men and women from a Savings and Transformation group come together, pooling their resources to invest in livestock. With support from World Vision, they receive bucks and rams, a step towards sustainable farming. This partnership signifies a shared commitment to prosperity and community upliftment.

In Lesotho, World Vision has introduced the Savings for Transformation (S4T) model, a transformative initiative designed to build resilience for families within communities. Through S4T Groups, men and women within communities come together, establishing their own groups to pool resources. This collective effort allows them to save small amounts of money, fostering a sense of financial security and resilience.


Impact in Mpharane Area Programme

Savings for Tranformation
Members of a Savings for Transformation group gather eagerly at a World Vision workshop focused on enhancing their financial management skills. With determination and support, they seek to strengthen their ability to save and invest wisely, paving the way for a brighter financial future for themselves, their families and their communities.

In Mpharane Area Programme,in the district of Mohales Hoek, a remarkable moment unfolded as these S4T Groups gathered for a workshop aimed at honing their financial management skills. Facilitated by financial service providers Vodacom Lesotho and Lesotho Post Bank, the training focused on the best ways to save money effectively.  "We thank World Vision Lesotho and our financial services partners for giving us access to financial resilience. The training provided us with the most effective ways to save our money, ensuring our savings group can grow effectively. Now, we can confidently provide for our families from these savings." shared one member of the group.

The training provided us with the most effective ways to save our money, ensuring our savings group can grow effectively. Now, we can confidently provide for our families from these savings.

Impact on Children and Communities

Savings for Tranformation
Mothers from a Savings and Transformation group stand proudly with their children, whom they are able to afford an education for through their collective efforts. With determination and perseverance, these mothers invest in their children's future, ensuring access to quality education and brighter prospects ahead.

Amidst the efforts to uplift vulnerable families from extreme poverty, the impact on the children within these communities cannot be overstated. As parents and caregivers become active participants in World Vision's Savings for Transformation (S4T) groups, the positive effects cascade down to the younger generation, offering a channel of hope for their holistic development.

  1. Stable Foundations for Growth: Children thrive in environments where stability reigns supreme. Through the financial security fostered by S4T groups, families can provide a consistent and stable upbringing for their children, ensuring access to fundamental necessities such as nutritious meals, education, and healthcare.

  2. Amplified Educational Opportunities: Empowered by the financial stability achieved through S4T groups, parents can invest in their children's education, enhancing their access to quality education and brighter future prospects.

  3. Improved Health and Well-being: Access to adequate healthcare becomes a reality as families participating in S4T groups can afford medical expenses, ensuring the well-being of children and reducing the risks posed by preventable illnesses.

  4. Nurtured Emotional Development: When parents are alleviated from the burden of financial strain, they can create a more nurturing environment for their children, fostering healthier relationships and emotional well-being.

  5. Community Support Networks: Beyond financial gains, the S4T groups cultivate a sense of community and mutual support, providing a supportive environment where children can thrive and learn within a cohesive community framework.

In joining forces with World Vision's transformative initiatives, families are not just breaking free from the chains of poverty; they are laying the groundwork for a generation of children poised to reach their full potential, unencumbered by the limitations of their circumstances.

As World Vision International Lesotho continues to champion these transformative initiatives, the journey towards a world where no child knows the harsh realities of extreme poverty gains momentum. Together, with communities and dedicated partners, we can turn the tide, creating a future where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.