Thanks to support from World Vision, Geordy Regains the Strength to Walk and Overcomes malnutrition

Geordy eating plumpynut
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

By Tatiana Ballay, Communications Officer

Geordy, a 2-year-old boy from Kapulwa, Democratic Republic of Congo, has made a remarkable recovery from severe malnutrition with the help of World Vision.

Admitted to the severe malnutrition management program in April 2024 at the Kapulwa health center, Geordy had a persistent fever of 37.5°C, severe underweight, and was affected by the inability to walk. With a weight of 8.1 kg, a brachial perimeter (BP) of 118 mm, and a weight/height ratio of less than -3 standard deviations (P/T < -3ET), Geordy was in a very worrying state of health. His height of 79.2 cm indicated significant growth retardation compared with other children of his age.

Thanks to World Vision's intervention funded by Unicef and the provision of intensive outpatient care, including a special nutritional paste, Geordy's health considerably improved.

After 8 weeks of treatment, he regained his strength and started to walk, bringing renewed hope to his family.

‘We had lost all hope. Seeing my son sick and unable to walk broke my heart. Thanks to the help of the health workers and World Vision, we have regained hope. Geordy is now a lively boy. We are eternally grateful’, explains Espérance, Geordy’s mother watching her son taking his first steps in the courtyard of their home.

Treatment project achievements

At the outpatient therapeutic nutrition unit (UNTA), Geordy received intensive outpatient care, including a ration of Plumpy'nut, a nutritional paste specially designed to treat severe acute malnutrition. For 8 weeks, he received this Plumpy'nut ration in addition to rigorous medical monitoring. Thanks to this intensive treatment, his state of health improved considerably.

When he left the care programme on 1 June 2024, he weighed 9.5 kg, had a brachial perimeter of 127 mm, and a weight-to-height ratio of more than -3 standard deviations. His mother continues to take him to the Kapulwa health centre to monitor his progress. Today, weighing 10.3 kg and with a PB of 129 mm, Georgy has started to walk. His spectacular progress has brought a new dynamic to family life, filled with hope and relief.

Since the launch of the second phase of the Nutrition project in the Kapolowe health zone, Kapulwa has recorded 78 cases of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treated by World Vision. Each case is unique, and care is tailored to the specific needs of each child. This treatment is vital, as malnutrition remains a serious threat to children in Haut-Katanga.

Towards a bright future with the ‘Enough’ Campaign

World Vision DRC intends to step up its efforts to combat malnutrition in children through its ‘Enough’ campaign. This campaign aims to step up the fight against malnutrition and hunger among children in the DRC, by mobilising more resources and efforts to ensure that every child has the chance to grow up healthy.

The ‘Enough’ campaign is part of a global initiative to eradicate malnutrition and transform the lives of vulnerable children in the DRC and around the world. Thanks to programmes like Kapulwa's and campaigns like Enough, every day brings new hope to the hearts of families and communities.