World Vision Green Teams: Making a Difference for a Plastic-Free World

Monday, April 22, 2024

Today, April 22nd, we celebrate the 54th Earth Day, marked by the slogan "Planet versus Plastic". This event unites Individuals, Governments, Churches, National and International Organizations, in an unwavering commitment to call for the end of plastics for the sake of human and planetary health, as than 500 billion plastic bags were produced worldwide last year, which many plastic bags have a working life of a few minutes, followed by an afterlife of centuries. The main goal is to achieve a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040 and build a plastic-free future for generations to come. This can be achieved by: 

(1) promoting widespread public awareness about the harm caused by plastic to human and animal health and all biodiversity and to demand that more research be carried out into its health implications, including the disclosure of all information about its effects to the public; 

 (2) rapidly eliminate all single-use plastics by 2030;  

(3) demand policies that end the scourge of fast fashion and the large amount of plastic it produces and uses; and  

(4) invest in innovative technologies and materials to build a plastic-free world.  

At the World Vision, through our committed Green Teams, we advocate for little changes in our daily activities that can make big differences in taking better care of the earth, such as eliminating the use of plastic water bottles for refillable bottles, replacing the use of plastic soft drinks and juice bottles for glass bottles or aluminum cans; eliminate the consumption of snacks and sweets (or any product that comes in a plastic package) and utilizing products with biodegradable.

This also includes eliminating the use of disposable plastic cutlery, plates, bowls, cups and straws by choosing biodegradable materials; eliminate plastic straws and bin liner by choosing biodegradable materials; replace vinyl banners with LED monitors or projector in meetings. The work of our Green Teams is important in achieving a plastic pollution free world for the health of our children.  

Happy Earth Day, take a stand for the Environment today, tomorrow and the future.  

Mclarence Mandaza - World Vision Southern Africa  Technical Lead, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Action