EU-funded Youth RESOLVE project celebrates providing hundreds of youths with employment skills and placements

For immediate release
10th December 2019
EU-funded Youth RESOLVE project celebrates providing hundreds of youths with employment skills and placements
Youth RESOLVE, a consortium of leading aid agencies responding to the Syria Crisis and funded by the European Union (EU), through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian Crisis, the EU Madad Fund, has just completed a two-year project which provided innovative employment opportunities for youth in Duhok and Erbil.
More than 4000 youth participated in vocational life and business skills training, apprenticeships, and employability and marketable life skills trainings.
The closing event will be held on the 16th of December 2019 at 9:00am at DILSHAD Hotel in Duhok, Iraq. It will be chaired by the Governor of Duhok province. EU representatives as well as government representatives and guests will also be present.
The event features a panel of youth sharing their experiences as well as live Kurdish music and dancing. It will be an opportunity for media outlets to interview the youth participants.
The Head of the Youth Resolve consortium in Iraq at World Vision, Fahmy Chalaby, said: “Our aim and focus was to support youth in having access to job opportunities in Iraq. By providing vocational training, facilitating apprenticeship and offering career support services for young beneficiary's aged 15-25, we encouraged youth to join private sector businesses. By bringing together youth from different backgrounds, we also created a space for strengthening social cohesion.
“We are incredibly proud of the achievements made by the youth participants of the project,” said Noor Khan Mengal, MADAD Project Manager for Islamic Relief. “The event will give a chance for the youth to reflect on their journey, how they overcame obstacles to employment they face and provide a platform for them to inspire other young people to seek new and exciting opportunities in the workplace.”
“The event on Monday is an excellent opportunity to hear directly from these promising young people who have received training and employment opportunities through the Youth RESOLVE project about their experiences and aspirations for the future. The EU firmly believes in supporting youth, their resilience and their active participation in the labour market, especially through opportunities in the private sector” said Sarah Spencer Bernard, Iraq Project Manager for the EU Madad Fund.
About Youth RESOLVE:
The Youth RESOLVE consortium is a youth-focused multi-partner regional initiative that is implemented across Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq with the objective to reduce tensions between refugees and host communities. The project identifies actions to build resilience, offers education opportunities and creates social cohesion and livelihood opportunities to limit marginalization and hopelessness. In Iraq, the project led by World Vision, is implemented by Islamic Relief and World Vision and is financed by the European Union’s Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the ‘MADAD’ Fund.
About the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU 'Madad' Fund:
Since its establishment in December 2014, a significant share of the EU’s non-humanitarian aid for Syria’s neighbouring countries is provided through the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, the EU 'Madad' Fund. The Trust Fund brings a more coherent and integrated EU aid response to the crisis and primarily addresses longer term economic, educational, protection and social needs of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Iraq, and supports overstretched local communities and their administrations.
For more information about the EU MADAD Fund, please visit
The event will be located at: Dilshad hotel, Duhok, Kurdistan, Iraq
For more information of the event, please contact:
Idres Abdulaziz - 0751 404 6844
Loreen Hussien – 0751 0466515